Jems is officially a student of the Singapore Management University (SMU).
Erm. Actually I don't really know whats there to be happy about anyway. Maybe I'm happy to belong somewhere, after bumming around for so long. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm silently hoping that school starts soon! Nah. Strike that out. I'm guessing the kid in me is happy that I can play with the gantries and lifts at the entrances of all the SMU schools.. =))
It's truly awesome to not have a job nor commitment, to plan each week as it comes and be really spontaneous about all my dates! Yet at the same time, it's tough having to think about every dollar spent, cus nothing is flowing in. And I still want my Guitar Hero World Tour on Wii!!!! ..and my HP Voodoo Envy 133. =/

close that mouth and stop drooling all over my blog!!!