"When a beautiful woman walks into a room, I may glance up for a moment, but I soon return to my entree or my conversation or my dessert menu. Let's be honest: Beauty is not all that interesting (and certainly not more interesting than the dessert menu.) But when a confident woman walks into a room, it's entrancing. I'll watch as she moves with poise and self possession. She is usually not the one in the plain black dress. She is the one in the interesting shirt and vintage skirt, and I immediately want to know where she got them. And she may not be the most stunningly gorgeous woman I've ever seen, but she has a way about her that can make her one of the most intriguing. Confidence is captivating, it is powerful, and it does not fade. And that is endlessly more interesting than beauty."
- The Little Black Book of Style
The best paragraph I've read to reflect my thoughts towards beauty. To sum that up in my own words: Mere beauty is common and uninteresting. I love that book. =)) Despite it being for the opposite gender. Harh.
It's interesting how guys can chance upon a girl and just go *snap*, "I like that girl!". What does he know about her? And about her character, about her friends, about her personality, about her likes and loves? Or does it not matter? As I told SinYee just today, all guys are superficial jerks.
On the other extreme, it's curious how girls need the guy to be totally committed before she and her friends put him through a trial of shit tests and compliance tests and makes sure that he jumps through her hoops.
Must it always be so complex and sophisticated? The short answer is no. As Gordon says, "Single is best!!!!!!!", and Jeremy agrees totally. Having dependable friends to be available helps, of course. Special credit to the close friends (whom I either call Sister or Buddy) for being there when it matters. This post is dedicated to you. =)